Monday, July 2, 2018


First off, I want to join the rest of the human race in asking, “How the HELL is it already almost mid-June???” You can’t go by weather in the Pacific Northwest; Saturday it hailed, yesterday was a 24-hour downpour, today it’s sunny and warm and it’s supposed to be in the 90s soon. I don’t know whether to water my garden or bail it out.
Another symptom of mid-June is that the kids are out of school. Our neighborhood has suddenly gotten a lot more vibrant! I love the whole concept of summer vacation. In the same way that fall weather makes me covet sweaters, crisp book covers, and new beginnings, summer makes me wistful for that three-months’ period of time when we were allowed to do things Just For Fun.
Well, why not take that back? We may have jobs and chores and responsibilities that we didn’t have in elementary school, but there’s no reason that we can’t celebrate the season. Let’s recapture that time in our lives when we tried things just because they looked like fun. When did we become shy with ourselves? Ask any group of four-year-olds whether they can sing, and they will say, “Of course!” and regale you without the slightest self-consciousness. How can we be any less brave?
You may – you will – encounter some inner resistance, at first. Bless your heart, you took all those early warnings about Grade Point Averages and This Is Going on Your Permanent Record and It Has to Look Good on Your Resume to heart. Persevere. This summer, check in with the child you used to be and then go play, no strings attached. I promise, it will not be on the test.
Baking cookies and eating them while they’re still warm
Taking off your shoes and wading in a creek, fountain, or kiddie pool
Re-reading your favorite childhood “chapter” book (bonus points for reading it outside or under the covers with a flashlight)
Going ahead and getting that haircut (it grows back!)
Taking that artsy cell phone photo to Costco or WalMart and having it made into a poster or printed on canvas, then hanging it on your wall
Writing a poem (you can burn it after, if the thought of someone else finding it makes you shrivel)
Watching a movie outside at night; pretend you’re at a drive-in (don’t forget popcorn)
Keeping your eye peeled for good skipping rocks, and finding someplace to skip them

 Remember: Whatever you choose to do, don’t worry about being good at it. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, life is much too important to take it so seriously!

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